Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Happy Birthday Gerald!

Today is the first day of sch... Like every new term, the first day gets off to a lethargic start. :( So to make things happier, here are PHOTOSSSS on my last night out before the strains of poly life start all over again...

Celebrated Gerald's 22nd birthday at Park Mall, Dhoby Ghaut.

I even put on falsies which Jessica thought looked au natural!! *very pleased with self*

At Dhoby Ghaut, Junhong and I were greeted with the "Please Keep Left" mascot.

Finally, Kublai Khan Mongolian BBQ Buffet!!!!

YAY!! Me is Adult already! :P

Alot alot of food to choose from... There was even sashimi!

Richard: The Japanese so influential.. Mongolia don't even hv fish!
Me: Don't hv meh?
Junhong: Yeah, they are nomads on grasslands.

Gerald's favourite beef with beansprouts. Was it 4 BIG bowls?

Frying of food frm the D-I-Y BBQ Bar...

Me: If you dare eat oyster you very man!!!
Richard: On ah!

"Eeeek... Squishy one..."

"I MAN!!!!"

"Swallowwww.... I must swallowww..."

Blur Jessica mistook the 龟苓膏 for a bowl of dark soya sauce. Haha..

Richard proves its jelly.. Or very sticky sauce?

Dessert is LOVE!!!!

Esp chocolate-dipped marshmallows, bananas and strawberries!

You take picture of me, I take picture of you!! :)

The BreadTalk cakes are brought out... The restaurant even played a Happy Birthday song through the speakers so we ended up not singing and just clapping along to the music.

Gerald: KNN!! The plastic cannot come out.. Must eat the army way, using top-down approach, yadda yadda...
Everyone: .....

[Front row: Tianhock, Richard, Thiam Hee]
[Back row: Jessica, Me, Junhong, Gerald]

Later, Jessica and Tianhock left and we were joined by Darren to go clubbing. It was quite cool being the only girl and guys tend to be more protective when they are the majority. I even hv chaperons to the toilet! How cool is that?!

On our way to the club, we saw motorized kites with very pretty lights. :) The club was not along the main Clarke Quay belt and we had to walk quite a dist.

Darren, Richard, Junhong, Thiam Hee and Gerald is the old man sitting down... :P

DOUBLE O (behind Liang Court)

Look at the crowd! All queuing way before 11pm!!

I like chalkboards... Very Wild Wild West. Heh..

Lazy Richard refused to queue with us...

Finally the entrance!

Ladies always get preferential treatment! ^^ But this cover charge didn't include any drinks.

Tried tequila pop for the first time. Erm, it was hot?

After playing rounds of guessing game and drinking vodka orange, vodka lime, bourbon coke and 2 rounds of tequilas, we were high enough to hit the dance floor. =)

Towards the early morning, we adjourned to the neighbouring pub, O Bar, so the guys could get more drinks and I got my green tea and water.

My fake eyelashes fell off by then and Gerald was made to do a birthday sabo. Hitler!

Cool coasters.. Darren filled his up though. Hee..

Darren obviously trying to appear bigger.

Me trying to look smaller..

And Gerald looking small without even trying.. If you notice, his shoulders are in line with Richard but they look so disproportionate, Gerald looks as if he was cropped and inserted into the pic! 0_o"

Enjoying the last days of holiday...

Cab buddies..


On a sad note,

A careless Joy + An unclosed water bottle = A drowned handphone

I watched my less than 4 mth old handphone struggle for its last breath as the water coarsing through its wires electrocuted it. :( It vibrated a hell lot (like seizures) with keypads feebly lighting up every few instance until I could take it no longer. Removing the battery, I lay it down to rest. :'(

please observe a min of silence for the passing of a very impt necessity in my life.


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